Friday, June 24, 2011


What if the scientist saying that man is killing the planet via global climate change are wrong? Now before you start assassinating my character indulge me for a moment please. I'm not asking what if there is not global climate change? Rather, what if it is a natural phenomena that man has no control over? Ponder that and it's implications.

Right now the basic premise is that man is causing Global Climate Change. Now let us assume that the global climate is changing for the sake of this argument. Let us further assume that since science has known some things in the past that turned out not to be true (the sound barrier will never be broken, the planet is flat, the sun revolves around the planet etc) that the global climate is not changing due to man's affect on the planet. That it is simply a natural phenomena that we have no control over, and yet we still keep going down this path of cutting back on energy usage, and carbon dioxide restrictions. Where does that lead us?

Well, as near as I can tell it leads us to less and less energy usage which may not be a bad thing, but it also leads us to less and less technological advances. So let's say we go back to farming with horse drawn plows and spinning our fabric by hand. All of that is human and animal labor intensive. So here we are working in more hazardous and labor intensive ways outdoors more exposed to the weather, and the weather is getting more and more harsh.

Now, I don't know how many people die each year currently of exposure, but that number has to now go up from simply having more of the population exposed. In the meantime generation by generation we're going more agrarian simply to feed ourselves without our polluting machines. Which lead to cutting back on our industrial capacity which means that things like refrigerators and air conditioners are being manufactured less and less, because they are part of the problem. Not to mention automobiles that can be used to transport the sick to health care facilities rapidly. All of this adds up to a decreasing life span.

Then one day we wake up and realize that oops, the climate is still getting more and more harsh, despite our new Luddite lifestyle. But, knowing us we decide to give it some time. And another generation goes by, and still the things get more harsh. So for several generations now we've been getting more and more harsh in the climate department, and there are fewer and fewer of us.

The Einstein definition of insanity occurs to someone, and finally the ones left are convinced that we need to adapt to our changing environment rather than try to change it. But now we have to start from scratch. Not totally because hopefully we kept a lot of the information available in book form at least. But it takes time to spool up. And, that information is designed for a climate considerably different than the one we have now so we have to adapt them. All of which means we may very well be yet another generation away from getting adapted to the new climate.

Now, what if, we turned out to have waited one generation to long?

Oops. Now we are no more as species. Is that really what we want? Actually there are probably some that do, but I am not among that number. So I'm thinking we should take some of this hysterical energy we're devoting to arrogantly trying to change the climate, and channel it into adapting to the changing climate just in case. Worst case scenario, there is no global climate change, and we've developed more technology to make us more comfortable and safer. I kind of don't see that as a bad thing. Or there is, we're at fault, and we've developed technology to help us bridge the gap before we're on the brink of extinction which I also don't see as a bad thing.

Just a little something to consider.

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