Friday, November 12, 2010


I am not a holiday type of guy. Oh, I like giving the kids presents, watching them open them, and even playing with them for about 30 minutes on Christmas, but then it's time for everyone to go home and leave me the heck alone. My wife calls me a scrooge, but I just don't care for Christmas. If that makes me a scrooge – so be it. Halloween is fun if you're talking about an adult event, but trick or treating with the kids? No thank you! I'm sure a lot of it is that I've gotten to that age where if I wanted to deal with children I would deal with my own, and since I have no biological children then I'd just as soon not mess with any children.

But for some reason Thanksgiving just works for me. I guess it's the idea of taking a some time off to reconnect with your family and friends and be thankful for what you have. Oh sure the crowds and mess can be a pain in the butt, but a simple time to be thankful for the people in your life is just what the doctor ordered. Heck I try to be grateful year round, but having the entire country shut down so I have no choice forces me to take that time to give thanks for what I have, and I just find that time cathartic.

For instance, despite all of my health issues, I am grateful for the life I have. I am also grateful for:

  • My first Little Brother, he is now in college, and though he will never realize it until I am long gone and he has a child of his own I got far more out of our time together than he ever did.
  • My current Little Brother even though we've only been matched for a short time I am looking forward to our new adventures.
  • My wife. Even though I want to strangle her occasionally, she has been a Godsend during the last year with all the surgeries and other health issues.
  • Our medical system which has given me far more time on the planet than I had any reason to expect or hope for.
  • My mom for always being, well... my mom
  • My friends, and they know who they are, for the last 35 years (are we really that freaking old?) of being there.
  • So much more I can't list them all, but you get the picture.

So, this Thanksgiving holiday be sure and root for your favorite team. I will even though the Cowboys stink this year, and enjoy more food than you should ever poke down your face in one sitting. But remember to take a moment, and realize and be thankful for what you have. I will, and I will be a better person for doing so. After all that is the reason for the holiday. The turkey and football are just nice added bonuses. Oh, one more for the list. :D

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