Saturday, May 28, 2011


Every once in a while something happens to remind me how unworthy we are of the sacrifices made for us by our soldiers. But would you believe that one of those instances was while shopping this morning? I was going into one of the big box membership stores, I won't say which one other than to say that there's a family in Arkansas that's just a tad bit more wealthy. Anyway, there I was heading into the store with nothing more than my shopping list on my mind, and there they were - JROTC from a local high school. Of course they were there in honor of Memorial Day. As I walked in, and then out when I was done shopping they called attention, and saluted me. Now I'm not special they were doing this for all customers going and coming. But it made me a bit uneasy. I finally figured why.

Here I am a middle aged guy who's offer to serve was declined, and these kids who are in high school and already preparing to defend our country and way of life. With their life if necessary. And, they're saluting me? That is wrong. I am simply unworthy of that honor. If anything I should have been saluting them and thanking them.

Every time I get pessimistic about our nation, this sort of thing happens to me. Here are a bunch of upper income high school kids, and they at age 13 – 18 are already planning for a life of service, and hardship to protect our rights. This was not a poor section of town, and the school in question was not some inner city hell hole that would force kids into this. Indeed this was one of the richer parts of town, and better schools full of kids who's families have money and privilege. And they're going to be the next generation of officers serving our nation with all the hardship and sacrifice that entails. Amazing!  If that doesn't give you hope I don't know what will. So, remember our fallen this weekend. That is what Memorial Day is for, but keep in the back of your head that a new generation stands ready to take up the banner, and move us forward into the future, and take pride in them.

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