Saturday, July 30, 2011


I recently was having a Facebook discussion on the debt ceiling debate, and something happened that made me loose my temper in ways I haven't done in years. I'll post the comments below, and my response. I'm curious as to my fellow Facebook friend's thoughts.

Post 1:

Perhaps you could explain to me how Obama is supposed to get ANYTHING done with a Republican held House whi has stated on numerous occasions that their sole purpose is to be sure Obama is a one term President. No thought about serving their constituents, just serving their special interests and making sure they are re-elected.

Post 2:
"When independent organizations all agree that a balanced approach including spending cuts and tax increases are the best approach, yet Republicans sign a pledge not to raise taxes and hide behind it. Sometimes governing means making unpopular decisions be it for the best of us iun the end. Did your parents give you everything you asked for? Mine didn't and I didn't like them at the time, but that was their job too."

Post 3:
"As a middle class soon to be lower class person, I am tired of reading about the massive profits that the oil companies are making yet we continue to subsidize them. And the rich folks that manage to pay no taxes because they can lobby Congress to do their bidding. I'm MAD AS HELL as the saying goes."

Now here is what I responded with. My version is crammed into two posts even though it wasn't posted that way due to Facebooks silly enter thing, but I crammed them like this because that's how I intended them:

Post 1:

My congressman is NOT my parent. He/she is my employee! Their job is to do as I instruct. If that means obstruction Obama at each and every turn to make him a one term president then so be it. If that means not raising taxes that is what it means.

If you are such a child still that you need your government to parent you then I feel sad for you.

In the mean time if you don't want your class to be lowered go into business and build your own wealth. That's what capitalism is about.

Post 2:
I'm sorry, but you're entitlement attitude, and take care of me desires are sickening. Man up, take care of yourself and your family. Don't use the thug power of the government to steal from those of who do you whiny childish brat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 3:
And if Obama can't handle my employee doing his job then he who is also my employee is free to resign!

That is the end of the online as of this writing, but I'm sure it'll continue. In the meantime I'm torn, I did not have the words to tell this piece of human debris in what contempt I truly hold him, on the other you catch more flies with honey than vinegar so did I screw up? Should I have made my points in a less blunt way to try to get the light to shine in?

What do you guys think?

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