Saturday, September 11, 2010


It comes up every now and then that someone in public has a knife, and is threatening people. The cops are called, and they have to shoot the guy. To make matters worse it's a minority and the police officer is not. Then the minority community goes nuts and screams racism.

It happened outside the White House during Clinton's first term, it happened while I lived in Galveston, and now it's happened in Los Angeles. All three incidents have one thing in common, a guy out of his mind with a knife threatening people. Well, I'm not the biggest proponent of law enforcement in the world. I tend to view most cops with a healthy dose of skepticism. Especially when talking about the Galveston incident as I had some dealings with the jerk wad cop involved. But you know what? The cops don't hate you because you're hispanic, or black, or yellow, or female. I know for a fact that the Galveston officer simply hated everyone. He treated all civilians with the same scorn and derision that he undoubtedly treated the black guy with the knife. But, that didn't make the incident racism, it was still Darwinism.

You see, if you bring a knife to a gun fight you have just proven yourself to stupid to continue living. Survival of the fittest has triumphed over stupidity again. So, you morons in LA please bury the poor guy and move on. Rioting and burning what little you have isn't going to bring this guy back to life (thankfully), and all your doing is making fools of yourselves. And, as we have just seen make a big enough fool of yourself, and you'll find yourself joining the idiot who brought a knife to a gunfight.

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