Sunday, September 12, 2010


So, it comes to every man, that time to trade in the girlfriend for a wife. So, we buck up, pop the question, and if we're really lucky we're turned down. But, usually we're accepted, and we trade in our girlfriend for our brand new wife. Not a problem, I have made this trade twice, but there are some things about this trade that cause me to question my sanity. Usually we're looking for something, some sort of stability, but there is some fine print that we don't read. Things that get glossed over in negotiations.

The one that just hit me (literally in the face) is that girlfriends don't fart, and wives don't have sex. So when we make the trade we don't realize we're trading sex for farts. I mean sure a life long companion is great, but my wife can run the dog out of the house. My dog thinks 3 day dead flounder on the beach is the best cologne in the world. So why then we make this trade? I mean I just had to flee the bedroom for my life, but sex was not even discussable. I don't get it. I don't have an answer, or even a theory, I just find it an amusing little factoid in the gender dance we do throughout our lives.

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